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New Feature
29. Dezember 2021

Clicker questions

We are happy to announce yet another feature on our page, Clicker questions! Teachers can now add questions to a database, collect them in a set, let the students in the classroom scan a QR-code with their smartphones, and then let them play against each other by guessing the correct answer to each question. If you are a teacher, interested in using that functionality and willing to contribute good questions, get in touch via the contact form (link in the footer).

25. Januar 2021

Join our team!

You are a physics or mathematics teacher and a LaTeX enthusiast on top of that? Contact us and apply for a TeXercises account. Do not contact us if you just want to "use" TeXercises. You need to be willing to contribute!

Falls du Physik- oder Mathematik-Lehrer bist, für dich als Textsatzprogramm auch nur LaTeX in Frage kommt und du gewillt bist, mitzuhelfen, unsere Datenbank zu erweitern, dann melde dich bei uns. An Leuten, die TeXercises nur nutzen wollen, sind wir nicht interessiert.

Es-tu prof de physique ou de mathématiques et LaTeX fait partie de tes passions? As-tu sincèrement envie de contribuer à enrichir nos données? Contacte-nous!

Se sei un insegnante di fisica o matematica, oppure hai semplicemente voglia di contribuire al nostro programma di testo per ingrandire il database, contattaci! Non siamo interessati a persone che fanno solo uso della pagina TeXercises.

New Feature
10. März 2021


We are happy to announce our newest feature on the page: Quizzes!

True/false statements, multiple- and single- (and even non-) choice questions can be collected in a quiz and every visitor can take these quizzes in three different modi: educational, drill and test. They all run with different settings and are meant to help you master the topic.

And we even took it a step further: Registered teachers can collect these quizzes in so-called live setups, hand out credentials to a group of people (a class) and let them answer the questions in an exam-like setting.

Pretty cool, huh?

TeXercises 2.0
25. Januar 2021

Redesign after 12 years

Almost exactly 12 years ago, in May 2009, after some weeks of programming, my brother and I published the first version of TeXercises. As a teacher, you prepare around 50 exams a year - this alone results in several hundred exercises. I did the maths right from the start: Having a database for exercises and collections (that includes exams) will save you A LOT of time over the years.

After saving every exercise in a separate .tex-file, collecting them in another .tex-file and building a .pdf from yet another .tex-layout-file in the beginning, this database solution became my most precious tool and the decision to make it public was mainly driven by the wish to have the solutions available for the students anywhere 24/7.

Since this "TeXercises 1.0" always did the job for me, I never improved it. Until Corona came around the corner. Suddenly, the urge to improve the database grew stronger - and I finally found the time, because all other activities were forced to zero.

Thats the reason "TeXercises 2.0" is now live: Redesigned, fully responsive, with new functionality added. Meanwhile, some of my own former students are teachers for physics or maths and they collaborate with me. And we are looking for even more motivated teachers to contribute to the database. Just contact us.