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The following quantities appear in the problem: Masse \(m\) / Aktivität \(A\) / molare Masse \(M\) / Stoffmenge \(n\) / Zerfallskonstante \(\lambda\) / Anzahl \(N\) /
The following formulas must be used to solve the exercise: \(A = \lambda \cdot N \quad \) \(m = nM \quad \)
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Beryllium- is produced in the upper atmosphere and filters down onto the Earth's surface. Formelbuch It decays with a half-life of about TO. Estimate the initial mass of isotopeBe on the leaf of a plant if it is detected to have num decays per second.

Geg T TO T A A Gesmassmsikg The detected activity of AO means that there are N fracAlambda fracAfracln T fracT Aln fracAlam fracln AT N n fracNsscNA fracT AlnsscNA n Beryllium- isotopes present on the leaf. Because one of them has meO mass there are m N m_ fracTAln m_ N me mb approx mbS on the leaf. Alternatively you can also compute the mass by knowing the molar mass to be MO the calculation then gives: m nM fracTAln sscNA M n M m approx mS m fracT A MlnsscNA fracm_T A ln mS
Meta Information
Beryllium- is produced in the upper atmosphere and filters down onto the Earth's surface. Formelbuch It decays with a half-life of about TO. Estimate the initial mass of isotopeBe on the leaf of a plant if it is detected to have num decays per second.

Geg T TO T A A Gesmassmsikg The detected activity of AO means that there are N fracAlambda fracAfracln T fracT Aln fracAlam fracln AT N n fracNsscNA fracT AlnsscNA n Beryllium- isotopes present on the leaf. Because one of them has meO mass there are m N m_ fracTAln m_ N me mb approx mbS on the leaf. Alternatively you can also compute the mass by knowing the molar mass to be MO the calculation then gives: m nM fracTAln sscNA M n M m approx mS m fracT A MlnsscNA fracm_T A ln mS
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Attributes & Decorations
dating, physics, radioactivity, radiodating
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5 (default)
ENG (English)
Calculative / Quantity
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