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Berechne für die folgen beiden Schaltskizzen jeweils den Totalstrom den Ersatzwiderstand den Spannungsabfall über jedem einzelnen Widerstand sowie die Stromstärke durch jeden einzelnen Widerstand. Für beide Schaltskizzen gelten jeweils folge Werte: U_V R_ohm R_ohm R_ohm R_ohm R_ohm. center circuitikz scopexshiftcm yshiftcm scale draw to battery l^U_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw --; scope circuitikz center center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray. & rulmmmmmm & & & & hline R_isiohm & rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray.& cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & rulmmmmmm & & & & & hline tabularx center center circuitikz scopexshiftcm yshiftcm scale draw to battery l^U_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw --; draw --; scope circuitikz center center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray. & rulmmmmmm & & & & hline R_isiohm & rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray.& cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & rulmmmmmm & & & & & hline tabularx center

NewQtyUV NewQtyR.ohm SolQtyIUX/RXA NewQtyRaohm NewQtyRbohm NewQtyRcohm NewQtyRdohm NewQtyReohm SolQtyIaIXA SolQtyIbIXA SolQtyIcUcX/RcXA SolQtyIdIX-IcXA SolQtyIeIX-IcXA SolQtyUaRaX*IaXV SolQtyUbRbX*IbXV SolQtyUcUX-UaX-UbXV SolQtyUdRdX*IdXV SolQtyUeReX*IeXV center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray.UO & UaQ rulmmmmmm & UbQ & UcQ & UdQ & UeQ hline R_isiohm & RO rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & IQ rulmmmmmm & IaQ & IbQ & IcQ & IdQ & IeQ hline tabularx center NewQtyUV NewQtyR.ohm SolQtyIUX/RXA NewQtyRaohm NewQtyRbohm NewQtyRcohm NewQtyRdohm NewQtyReohm SolQtyIaIXA SolQtyIbUbX/RbXA SolQtyIcIX-IbXA SolQtyIdUdX/RdXA SolQtyIeUeX/ReXA SolQtyUaRaX*IaXV SolQtyUbUX-UaXV SolQtyUcRcX*IcXV SolQtyUdUX-UaX-UcXV SolQtyUeUX-UaX-UcXV center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray.UO & UaQ rulmmmmmm & UbQ & UcQ & UdQ & UeQ hline R_isiohm & RO rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & IQ rulmmmmmm & IaQ & IbQ & IcQ & IdQ & IeQ hline tabularx center
Meta Information
Berechne für die folgen beiden Schaltskizzen jeweils den Totalstrom den Ersatzwiderstand den Spannungsabfall über jedem einzelnen Widerstand sowie die Stromstärke durch jeden einzelnen Widerstand. Für beide Schaltskizzen gelten jeweils folge Werte: U_V R_ohm R_ohm R_ohm R_ohm R_ohm. center circuitikz scopexshiftcm yshiftcm scale draw to battery l^U_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw --; scope circuitikz center center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray. & rulmmmmmm & & & & hline R_isiohm & rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray.& cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & rulmmmmmm & & & & & hline tabularx center center circuitikz scopexshiftcm yshiftcm scale draw to battery l^U_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw to european resistor l^R_ ; draw --; draw --; scope circuitikz center center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray. & rulmmmmmm & & & & hline R_isiohm & rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray.& cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & rulmmmmmm & & & & & hline tabularx center

NewQtyUV NewQtyR.ohm SolQtyIUX/RXA NewQtyRaohm NewQtyRbohm NewQtyRcohm NewQtyRdohm NewQtyReohm SolQtyIaIXA SolQtyIbIXA SolQtyIcUcX/RcXA SolQtyIdIX-IcXA SolQtyIeIX-IcXA SolQtyUaRaX*IaXV SolQtyUbRbX*IbXV SolQtyUcUX-UaX-UbXV SolQtyUdRdX*IdXV SolQtyUeReX*IeXV center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray.UO & UaQ rulmmmmmm & UbQ & UcQ & UdQ & UeQ hline R_isiohm & RO rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & IQ rulmmmmmm & IaQ & IbQ & IcQ & IdQ & IeQ hline tabularx center NewQtyUV NewQtyR.ohm SolQtyIUX/RXA NewQtyRaohm NewQtyRbohm NewQtyRcohm NewQtyRdohm NewQtyReohm SolQtyIaIXA SolQtyIbUbX/RbXA SolQtyIcIX-IbXA SolQtyIdUdX/RdXA SolQtyIeUeX/ReXA SolQtyUaRaX*IaXV SolQtyUbUX-UaXV SolQtyUcRcX*IcXV SolQtyUdUX-UaX-UcXV SolQtyUeUX-UaX-UcXV center tabularxtextwidth|X||r|r|r|r|r|r|hline & i & i & i & i & i & i hlinehline U_isiV & cellcolorgray.UO & UaQ rulmmmmmm & UbQ & UcQ & UdQ & UeQ hline R_isiohm & RO rulmmmmmm & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. & cellcolorgray. hline I_isiA & IQ rulmmmmmm & IaQ & IbQ & IcQ & IdQ & IeQ hline tabularx center
Contained in these collections:
  1. Gleichstrom-Sudoku by TeXercises
    30 | 35

Attributes & Decorations
elektrizität, elektrizitätslehre, gleichstromkreis, gleichstromlehre, kirchhoffsche gesetze, knotenregel, maschenregel, physik, schaltkreis, spannung, strom, stromstärke, sudoku
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