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Title (created ) Formula
\(V = a^3\)
Exercises # Owner Attributes Action
TF Würfelvolumen \(V = a^3\) 2 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/wurfelvolumen/
AG Auflagedruck von Metallwürfel \(\varrho = \dfrac{m}{V}\)
\(p = \dfrac{F}{A}\)
\(F = mg\)
\(A = s^2\)
\(V = a^3\)
4 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/auflagedruck-von-metallwurfel/
AG Dichte eines Würfels \(\varrho = \dfrac{m}{V}\)
\(V = a^3\)
6 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/dichte-eines-wurfels/
AG Thermische Ausdehnung von Würfelvolumen \(\ell = \ell_0 \cdot (1+ \alpha \cdot \Delta\vartheta)\)
\(V = V_0 \cdot (1+ 3\alpha \cdot \Delta\vartheta)\)
\(V = a^3\)
5 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/thermische-ausdehnung-von-wurfelvolumen/