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Title (created ) Formula
\(v = v_0 + at\)
Exercises # Owner Attributes Action
TF Freier Fall 2. Formel \(v = v_0 + at\) 4 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/freier-fall-2-formel/
AG Kinematik - 1. und 2. Formel \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(s = \dfrac{1}{2}at^2+v_0 t\)
9 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/kinematik-1-und-2-formel/
AG Impuls und 2. Formel \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(p = mv\)
4 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/impuls-und-2-formel/
AG Lex Secunda und 2. Formel \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(F = ma\)
5 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/lex-secunda-und-2-formel/
AG Reaktionszeit \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(s = \dfrac{1}{2}at^2+v_0 t\)
\(s = \dfrac{v^2-v_0^2}{2a}\)
\(s = vt\)
4 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/reaktionszeit/
AG Dopplereffekt und Beschleunigung 2. Formel \(f_B = f_S \cdot \frac{c\pm v_B}{c\mp v_S}\)
\(v = v_0 + at\)
1 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/dopplereffekt-und-beschleunigung-2-formel/
TF Beschleunigung 2. Formel \(v = v_0 + at\) 39 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/beschleunigung-2-formel/
AG Kinematik - 2. und 3. Formel \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(s = \dfrac{v^2-v_0^2}{2a}\)
6 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/kinematik-2-und-3-formel/
AG Horizontaler Wurf [sx vx beta] \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(s = vt\)
\(\tan\alpha = \dfrac{a}{b}\)
2 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/horizontaler-wurf-sx-vx-beta/
AG Freier Fall - 1. und 2. Formel \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(s = \dfrac{1}{2}at^2+v_0 t\)
18 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/freier-fall-1-und-2-formel/
AG Bremsendes Auto \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(s = \dfrac{1}{2}at^2+v_0 t\)
\(s = \dfrac{v^2-v_0^2}{2a}\)
6 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/bremsendes-auto/
AG Düsenjäger \(v = v_0 + at\)
\(s = \dfrac{v^2-v_0^2}{2a}\)
3 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/dusenjager/