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Title (created ) Formula
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
Exercises # Owner Attributes Action
AG Energieerhaltung K=P+K \(\sum E_{\scriptscriptstyle\rm tot} \stackrel{!}{=} \sum E_{\scriptscriptstyle\rm tot}'\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle kin} = \dfrac12 mv^2\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
3 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/energieerhaltung-kpk/
AG Jagdflugzeug \(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle kin} = \dfrac12 mv^2\)
\(P = \dfrac{E}{t} = \dfrac{W}{t}\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
3 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/jagdflugzeug/
AG Leistung Energie Wirkungsgrad Dichte \(\eta = \dfrac{a}{A}\)
\(\varrho = \dfrac{m}{V}\)
\(P = \dfrac{E}{t} = \dfrac{W}{t}\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
9 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/leistung-energie-wirkungsgrad-dichte/
AG Kalorik und Energieerhaltungssatz \(\sum E_{\scriptscriptstyle\rm tot} \stackrel{!}{=} \sum E_{\scriptscriptstyle\rm tot}'\)
\(Q = c \cdot m \cdot \Delta\vartheta\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle kin} = \dfrac12 mv^2\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
11 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/kalorik-und-energieerhaltungssatz/
AG Todesspirale \(F = mg\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle kin} = \dfrac12 mv^2\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
\(F = m\dfrac{v^2}{r}\)
14 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/todesspirale/
AG Ballistisches Pendel \(\cos\alpha = \dfrac{b}{c}\)
\(p = mv\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle kin} = \dfrac12 mv^2\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
6 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/ballistisches-pendel/
AG Leistung und Hubarbeit \(P = \dfrac{E}{t} = \dfrac{W}{t}\)
\(W = Fs\)
\(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\)
15 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/leistung-und-hubarbeit/
TF Potentielle Energie - Epot \(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle pot} = mgh\) 24 \(\TeX\)ercises
  • https://texercises.com/collection/potentielle-energie-epot/