Same physics with different numbers:
Exercise Title Attributes & Decoration Points  Difficulty
1 Photonen der Sonne
  • GER
5 3
2 Photonenenergie in Lichtstrahl
  • GER
5 2
3 Lidschluss-Reflex beim Laserpointer
  • GER
5 3
4 Solarium
  • GER
5 3
Meta Information
Branches Work, Energy, Power
Formula \(P = \dfrac{E}{t} = \dfrac{W}{t} = \dfrac{Q}{t} \quad\) \(E=hf \quad\) \(E = N \cdot E_1 \quad\) \(c = \lambda \cdot f \quad\)
Tags anzahl, energie, intensität, licht, lichtstrahl, photoeffekt, physik, quantenphysik
Owner \(\TeX\)ercises
Date of creation 1. August 2021 16:44
Last modification 24. Juli 2024 19:06