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abcliste abc An electron with a speed of vaO moves perpicularly to the field lines of a magnetic field with strength BaO. Calculate the force acting on the electron. abc A proton moves at vbcO of the speed of light perpicularly to the field lines of a magnetic field. It experiences a force of FbO. Calculate the strength of the magnetic field. abc An alpha particle moves at an angle thcdegO with respect to the field lines of a magnetic field with strength BcO. It experiences a force FcO. Calculate the speed of the alpha particle and express the result as a fraction of the speed of light. abc A small styrofoam ball carrying a charge of qdO moves with a velocity of vdO through a magnetic field with strength BdO. It experiences as force FdO. Calculate the angle between the velocity vector and the magnetic field lines. abcliste

abcliste abc The force is given by sscFB FaF ncetimes vatimes Ba Fa approx resultFaS abc The magnetic force is given by sscFB q v B Solving for the magnetic field leads to B BbF fracFbncetimes vbctimesncc Bb approx resultBbP- abc The force on a charged particle in a magnetic field is given by sscFB q v Bsheta Solving for the speed leads to v vcF fracFcqcetimesnce timesBctimes shcdeg vc vcc approx resultvccP abc The force on a charged particle in a magnetic field is given by sscFB q v Bsheta Solving for the angle theta leads to theta thradF arcsinleftfracFdqdtimes vdtimes Bdright thrad approx resultthdegP abcliste
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abcliste abc An electron with a speed of vaO moves perpicularly to the field lines of a magnetic field with strength BaO. Calculate the force acting on the electron. abc A proton moves at vbcO of the speed of light perpicularly to the field lines of a magnetic field. It experiences a force of FbO. Calculate the strength of the magnetic field. abc An alpha particle moves at an angle thcdegO with respect to the field lines of a magnetic field with strength BcO. It experiences a force FcO. Calculate the speed of the alpha particle and express the result as a fraction of the speed of light. abc A small styrofoam ball carrying a charge of qdO moves with a velocity of vdO through a magnetic field with strength BdO. It experiences as force FdO. Calculate the angle between the velocity vector and the magnetic field lines. abcliste

abcliste abc The force is given by sscFB FaF ncetimes vatimes Ba Fa approx resultFaS abc The magnetic force is given by sscFB q v B Solving for the magnetic field leads to B BbF fracFbncetimes vbctimesncc Bb approx resultBbP- abc The force on a charged particle in a magnetic field is given by sscFB q v Bsheta Solving for the speed leads to v vcF fracFcqcetimesnce timesBctimes shcdeg vc vcc approx resultvccP abc The force on a charged particle in a magnetic field is given by sscFB q v Bsheta Solving for the angle theta leads to theta thradF arcsinleftfracFdqdtimes vdtimes Bdright thrad approx resultthdegP abcliste
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