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The following quantities appear in the problem: Länge \(\ell\) / Masse \(m\) / elektrische Stromstärke \(I\) / Magnetische Flussdichte \(B\) / Kraft \(F\) / Geschwindigkeit \(v\) / Strecke \(s\) / Beschleunigung \(a\) /
The following formulas must be used to solve the exercise: \(s = \dfrac{v^2-v_0^2}{2a} \quad \) \(F = \ell I B \quad \) \(F = ma \quad \)
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A sort of projectile launcher is built in the following way: A large current moves in a closed loop composed of fixed rails a power supply and a very light almost frictionless bar touching the rails. A magnetic field is perpicular to the plane of the circuit. If the bar has length cm a mass of .g and is placed in a field of .T what constant current flow is needed to accelerate the bar from rest to meterpersecond in a distance of .m? In what direction must the magnetic field po?

newqtylocm newqtyllon m newqtymo.g newqtymmon kg newqtyB.T newqtyv newqtyst.m % boxGegeben ell lo l m mo m B B v v s st boxGesucht textElectric current flow IsiA The acceleration needed to reach the given velocity in the given distance is: solqtyafracv^svn**/*stns a af fracqtyv^ st a. The force required to accelerate an object with the given mass to the above calculated value is: solqtyFfracmv^smn*anN F ma Ff m a F. Hence the current in the wire must be: solqtyIfracmv^ell sBFn/Bn*lnA I fracFBell fracfracmv^sBell If fracFB l I. boxbox I If ITT
Meta Information
A sort of projectile launcher is built in the following way: A large current moves in a closed loop composed of fixed rails a power supply and a very light almost frictionless bar touching the rails. A magnetic field is perpicular to the plane of the circuit. If the bar has length cm a mass of .g and is placed in a field of .T what constant current flow is needed to accelerate the bar from rest to meterpersecond in a distance of .m? In what direction must the magnetic field po?

newqtylocm newqtyllon m newqtymo.g newqtymmon kg newqtyB.T newqtyv newqtyst.m % boxGegeben ell lo l m mo m B B v v s st boxGesucht textElectric current flow IsiA The acceleration needed to reach the given velocity in the given distance is: solqtyafracv^svn**/*stns a af fracqtyv^ st a. The force required to accelerate an object with the given mass to the above calculated value is: solqtyFfracmv^smn*anN F ma Ff m a F. Hence the current in the wire must be: solqtyIfracmv^ell sBFn/Bn*lnA I fracFBell fracfracmv^sBell If fracFB l I. boxbox I If ITT
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  1. Railgun by TeXercises
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Attributes & Decorations
Kinematics, Magnetism
acceleration, electromagnetism, force, lorentz, magnetism, mechanics, mechanik, physics, projectile
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(3, default)
3 (default)
ENG (English)
Calculative / Quantity
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