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vspacmm abcliste abc Show that the nucleus isotopeBe .u is unstable and will decay o two upalpha particles .u. abc Is isotopeC .u by definition stable against decay o three upalpha particles? Show why or why not. abcliste

abcliste abc The mass difference between left and right is: Delta m MisotopeBe - MisotopeHe .u - .u .u Because the massdifference is positive i.e. the left side is heavier than the right side it means mass got lost in the reaction i.e. energy was produced i.e. the reaction ts to happen spontaneous i.e. Beryllium is unstable. abc The binding enregy of this Carbon isotope considered consisting of Helium atoms is: Delta m MisotopeC - MisotopeHe .u - .u -.u Because the massdifference is negative i.e. the left side is lighter than the right side it means mass got produced in the reaction i.e. energy is needed i.e. the reaction can't happen spontaneous i.e. Carbon is stable. abcliste
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vspacmm abcliste abc Show that the nucleus isotopeBe .u is unstable and will decay o two upalpha particles .u. abc Is isotopeC .u by definition stable against decay o three upalpha particles? Show why or why not. abcliste

abcliste abc The mass difference between left and right is: Delta m MisotopeBe - MisotopeHe .u - .u .u Because the massdifference is positive i.e. the left side is heavier than the right side it means mass got lost in the reaction i.e. energy was produced i.e. the reaction ts to happen spontaneous i.e. Beryllium is unstable. abc The binding enregy of this Carbon isotope considered consisting of Helium atoms is: Delta m MisotopeC - MisotopeHe .u - .u -.u Because the massdifference is negative i.e. the left side is lighter than the right side it means mass got produced in the reaction i.e. energy is needed i.e. the reaction can't happen spontaneous i.e. Carbon is stable. abcliste
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Work, Energy, Power
alpha, beryllium, binding, carbon, decay, energy, nuclear, nucleus, physics, radioactivity, stability
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ENG (English)
Calculative / Quantity
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