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The following quantities appear in the problem: Masse \(m\) / Temperatur \(T\) / Energie \(E\) / Wärme \(Q\) / spezifische latente Wärme \(L\) / Wärmekapazität \(c\) /
The following formulas must be used to solve the exercise: \(\sum E_{\scriptscriptstyle\rm tot} \stackrel{!}{=} \sum E_{\scriptscriptstyle\rm tot}' \quad \) \(Q = c \cdot m \cdot \Delta\vartheta \quad \) \(E_{\rm \scriptscriptstyle kin} = \dfrac12 mv^2 \quad \) \(Q = m \cdot L_{\scriptscriptstyle\rm f} \quad \)
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An iron meteorite melts when it enters the Earth's atmosphere. If its initial temperature was TaO outside of Earth's atmosphere calculate the minimum velocity the meteorite must have had before it entered Earth's atmosphere. FormelbuchIron melts at TbO its specific heat is cO and its latent heat of fusion LO.

If the iron meteorite melts it must be heaten up to irons melting po theta_fdegreeCelsius and then be melted. The energy for these two processes comes from the meteorites speed. % EnergieSchritte PGleichungsscEkin Q + ssctilde Qf PGleichungfracmv^ c m Delta theta + msscLf PGleichungfracmv^ c m sscthetaf - theta + msscLf AlgebraSchritte MGleichungmv^ c m sscthetaf - theta + msscLf MGleichungv^ c sscthetaf - theta + sscLf PHYSMATH % The speed is SolQtyvsqrt*cX*dTX+*LX al v sqrtc sscthetaf - theta + sscLf sqrt c TbO - TaO + L v approx vS vP v sqrtc sscthetaf - theta + sscLf vS vP
Meta Information
An iron meteorite melts when it enters the Earth's atmosphere. If its initial temperature was TaO outside of Earth's atmosphere calculate the minimum velocity the meteorite must have had before it entered Earth's atmosphere. FormelbuchIron melts at TbO its specific heat is cO and its latent heat of fusion LO.

If the iron meteorite melts it must be heaten up to irons melting po theta_fdegreeCelsius and then be melted. The energy for these two processes comes from the meteorites speed. % EnergieSchritte PGleichungsscEkin Q + ssctilde Qf PGleichungfracmv^ c m Delta theta + msscLf PGleichungfracmv^ c m sscthetaf - theta + msscLf AlgebraSchritte MGleichungmv^ c m sscthetaf - theta + msscLf MGleichungv^ c sscthetaf - theta + sscLf PHYSMATH % The speed is SolQtyvsqrt*cX*dTX+*LX al v sqrtc sscthetaf - theta + sscLf sqrt c TbO - TaO + L v approx vS vP v sqrtc sscthetaf - theta + sscLf vS vP
Contained in these collections:
  1. 9 | 12
  2. 7 | 12
  3. 14 | 16

Attributes & Decorations
Temperatur & Heat, Work, Energy, Power
atmosphere, earth, energy, friction, heat, iron, kinetic, latent, melt, melting, meteorite, physics, thermodynamics
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ENG (English)
Calculative / Quantity
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