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In a passenger lift the rope breaks and the cabin then falls hO o the depths without braking. At the bottom of the lift shaft it is coming to a halt within tO. There is a person in the cabin mO. The cross-section of his tibia is approximately AO. Bones withstand a maximum pressure of pbO. Will the shinbone break? One feet is .cm one inch is .cm and a pound is roughly g.

The cabin of the elevator hits the floor with SolQtyvsqrt*ncgX*hX v sqrtgh sqrt ncg h v velocity. Because the floor brings the cabin to a halt within tO the floor accelerates the cabin i.e. changes its velocity with SolQtyavX/tXq a fracvt fracsqrtght fracvt a. This means that SolQtyFmX*aXN F ma m fracsqrtght m a F force is acting on the man in the cabin. The pressure acting on the mans legs he is standing on both legs is SolQtypFX//AXPa p fracFA' fracfracsqrtghtA fracsqrtghtA fracF A p &approx pS pP pb In all likelihood the shinbone will break. p fracsqrtghtA pS pP
Meta Information
In a passenger lift the rope breaks and the cabin then falls hO o the depths without braking. At the bottom of the lift shaft it is coming to a halt within tO. There is a person in the cabin mO. The cross-section of his tibia is approximately AO. Bones withstand a maximum pressure of pbO. Will the shinbone break? One feet is .cm one inch is .cm and a pound is roughly g.

The cabin of the elevator hits the floor with SolQtyvsqrt*ncgX*hX v sqrtgh sqrt ncg h v velocity. Because the floor brings the cabin to a halt within tO the floor accelerates the cabin i.e. changes its velocity with SolQtyavX/tXq a fracvt fracsqrtght fracvt a. This means that SolQtyFmX*aXN F ma m fracsqrtght m a F force is acting on the man in the cabin. The pressure acting on the mans legs he is standing on both legs is SolQtypFX//AXPa p fracFA' fracfracsqrtghtA fracsqrtghtA fracF A p &approx pS pP pb In all likelihood the shinbone will break. p fracsqrtghtA pS pP
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Attributes & Decorations
beschleunigung, druck, fall, freier fall, kompressionsdruck, kraft, kraftwirkungsgesetz, mechanik, newtonsches gesetz, physik
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ENG (English)
Calculative / Quantity
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