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A patient mO is to be given a medical test involving the ingestion of isotopeTc which decays by emitting upgamma-rays of EeO energy. The half-life for this decay is TO. Asing that about half the gamma photons exit the body without eracting with anything what must be the initial activity of the Technetium sample if the wholbody dose cannot exceed HO? Make the rough approximation that biological elimination of Tc can be ignored.

Geg m mO m upgamma rightarrow w q E_ EeO Ee T TO T H HO H GesActivityAsiBq An equivalent dose of HO of upgamma-rays with quality factor qqO equals D fracHw fracHq D. energy dose. A person with mO mass therefore can absorb E m D m fracHw fracmHw m D E in total energy before reaching the limit of HO. Since one upgamma-ray disposes EeO in the body a maximum of tilde N fracEE_ fracfracmHwE_ fracmHwE_ fracEEe Na upgamma-rays should be absorbed. Because only half of the emitted rays eract with the body the sample size must be restricted to only emit N tilde N fracmHwE_ Na N of upgamma-rays. A Technetium sample with this total amount of isotopes has A lambda N fracln T N fracln T fracmHwE_ lam N A activity. A frac ln mHwE_T fracln mHwE_T A
Meta Information
A patient mO is to be given a medical test involving the ingestion of isotopeTc which decays by emitting upgamma-rays of EeO energy. The half-life for this decay is TO. Asing that about half the gamma photons exit the body without eracting with anything what must be the initial activity of the Technetium sample if the wholbody dose cannot exceed HO? Make the rough approximation that biological elimination of Tc can be ignored.

Geg m mO m upgamma rightarrow w q E_ EeO Ee T TO T H HO H GesActivityAsiBq An equivalent dose of HO of upgamma-rays with quality factor qqO equals D fracHw fracHq D. energy dose. A person with mO mass therefore can absorb E m D m fracHw fracmHw m D E in total energy before reaching the limit of HO. Since one upgamma-ray disposes EeO in the body a maximum of tilde N fracEE_ fracfracmHwE_ fracmHwE_ fracEEe Na upgamma-rays should be absorbed. Because only half of the emitted rays eract with the body the sample size must be restricted to only emit N tilde N fracmHwE_ Na N of upgamma-rays. A Technetium sample with this total amount of isotopes has A lambda N fracln T N fracln T fracmHwE_ lam N A activity. A frac ln mHwE_T fracln mHwE_T A
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Attributes & Decorations
Work, Energy, Power
biology, body, dose, dosimetry, energy, gamma-ray, gray, medicine, physics, radioactivity, radiometry, sievert, technetium
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ENG (English)
Calculative / Quantity
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